In the 21st century, a lot has changed in the world thanks to technology and education has also participated in this change. The learning process has started to get help from technological devices. In this century, people can access a wide variety of sources much more easily than in the past. Thanks to technology, you have the opportunity to easily find the source you want wherever you are.

The other important help of technology networks in learning is people can design their own personal education plan because, in online education, you can reach your sources any time. So, you don’t have the obligation to listen to lectures at a certain time. Especially when we learn a language, we should spread the learning process over a wide period. With the help of this digital world, you can create your own layout using creativity in your language learning development. Basically, it’s all up to you! I think this is important because being in the charge of your own learning process makes it more effective.

To sum up, being in the collaboration with technology in the 21st century provides many possibilities when you are learning something. What are your thoughts about this?
