Hi again! We made a KWL
chart project about violence against street animals in Turkey. KWL chart
consists of three parts: What we know, what we want to know and what we
learned. We were a group of four while doing this project. Each of us made
three comments about what we know in this topic and asked and answered three
questions about this topic. Although everyone asked different questions, we
worked together while creating the KWL chart.
To do this
project, we used Padlet as a tool. It seemed easy to us because we used it
before. Creating a Padlet wall was easy but there was a little complexity while
we were putting the information in order. We tried to put them in numbers but
couldn’t control all the boxes too much. However, if this project was made
individually, then it would be easier.
This kind of project is
really helpful. For example, we learned lots of information about what is the
law that protects animal rights, what are the exact numbers that use violence
against street animals. In this way, we can learn anything we want by reading
from this kind of websites like Padlet or by creating one and finding the
information ourselves.
As a result, using
Padlet as a tool and creating KWL chart for learning something is helpful and
easy to learn in terms of 21st-century learning.
Yorum Gönder